Bivouac areas
SACHSENFORST provides select rest areas in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains as bivouac areas from April to October, to hikers of the Forststeig trail. Staying overnight is permitted in the up-to 5 person mountain tent from 16:00 until 10:00, for one night only, after paying a fee by utilising the trekking ticket.
Observe the general information regarding overnight stays in the forest, the bivouac code, facilities, and terms of use.
- Always use your trekking ticket at the start of your stay, and enter your name, residence and your next destination in the bivouac book.
- Be considerate to others, share the bivouac area and its facilities, and be quiet when others are sleeping.
- Always arrive during daylight, stay through dusk and at night be especially quiet between 20:00 in the evening and 7:00 in the morning, to prevent disturbing the surrounding nature and animal world.
- Don’t camp if all available spaces are occupied (max. 5 two-person tents). Families with children and long-distance hikers have priority.
- Stay for one night only, put up your tent after 16:00 and take it down by 10:00 in the morning.
- Keep the area and facilities clean and tidy. Rake, shovel and bucket are provided – please use them.
- Take everything that you brought with you when you leave. Sort your garbage. Bring two bags in order to dispose of both recycling and waste / food remains outside of the forest in a regular fashion.
- Use the provided toilets. Please note that garbage does not go in the toilets, as this impairs their proper functioning.
- Use electrically powered lamps! Stoves and lamps with open flame are not permitted in the forest outside of designated fire areas.
- Smoking is prohibited in the forest. Fires and barbecues are only permitted at designated fire areas.
- Dogs must be on a leash in the immediate area of the rest area and bivouac area.
- Follow the principle of “experience & preserve nature” by enjoying recreation in the forest and nature. Work is being done in the forest! Look for signs and always expect obstructions as well as forestry work.
- Up to 5 two-person tents can be set up in an area of 20 m around the service stands.
- Bivouac spots always have a shelter to protect against bad weather, as well as a seating area made from wood as a rest area.
- Each bivouac area has a composting toilet in the outer area. Always bring your own toilet paper.
- At some bivouac spots, rain water from roof runoff is collected in water tanks and is used for general use. It is not for drinking. The hut users must bring drinking water with them.
- There is a bivouac book. In order to assist any search and rescue measures, bivouac users must give their names at the start of their stay. This way forestry services can also assess how often the area is being used.
- A rake, shovel and bucket are provided to users in order to keep the area clean. Please use them.
- Most bivouac spots do not have a fire area. Only Taubenteich-bivouac, which is beside a lake, has a designated fire area. There is also firewood and necessary tools (axe) there.
- The bivouac spots do not have a garbage collector or disposal: Take all your garbage with you when you leave!
- There is no drinking water and no electricity: Bring your own drinking water, candles, lighters and flashlight.
- Note that there may not be any mobile phone reception. So tell friends or acquaintances beforehand about where you are staying.
- Bivouac spots can only be reached by foot or bike. Driving in with a motorized vehicle is not permitted to guests.
- Bivouac spot users are responsible for organisation, planning, order and safety while on their trip. Use at your own risk!
- After use, the usage area should be left in a clean state so that the next users find a tidy spot.
- The bivouac spot user recognises the “Bivouac spot code of conduct” and the “Saxony Forestry Services guidelines on conduct during forest recreation”, as well as the posted bivouac spot regulations.
- Saxony Forestry Services can close the access route and usage area due to weather-related or unexpected operational reasons. No claims can be made based on purchasing the hiking ticket due to these and other usage restrictions.
- The liability of the Free State of Saxony shall be excluded from any damages bivouac spot users incur related to usage, as far as legally possible.
- The bivouac spot user is liable for all damages caused by him/her within the framework of legal provisions, to the Saxony Forestry Services resulting from shared use (e.g. damage to the forest, paths and facilities).
- The user is also liable for resulting damages related to usage of third parties, and the satisfaction of all claims that could be made against the free State of Saxony. Damage to property must be reported to Forestry Services.
- In general, the following applies:
- Be considerate to everyone enjoying recreation and all other forest users.
- The rules and prohibitions of the respective protected area ordinance, plus any other authorisation requirements for usage apply to the protected areas, as per the Nature Conservation Act of Saxony.
- Follow the guidelines given by Forestry personnel on duty with regard to forestry, hunting or forest protection and from the authorized groundskeepers with regard to bivouac area usage.
- Smoking and fires are not permitted in the forest. Fires and barbecues are only permitted in the designated areas. If the forest fire hazard level rises to 3 or higher, the fire ban extends to the designated fire areas at Taubenteich-bivouac.
- Administrative offences are punishable by the responsible forestry department in accordance with § 52 SächsWaldG.

ZschirnsteinBiwak bivouac spot
The rest area at ZschirnsteinBiwak is located along the Elbe Sandstone Forststeig in the forest district of Cunnersdorf between Großer Zschirnstein and the border. In 2016, the rest area was complemented with a shelter, which was designed and constructed by architecture students from the Technical University of Dresden with support from Saxony Forestry Services.
Since September 2016, the rest area has also been opened by Saxony Forestry Services as a bivouac spot along the Elbe Sandstone Forststeig from April until October. The vicinity of the shelter is equipped during this time for up to 5 two-person tents from 16:00 to 10:00. For its use, a maintenance contribution is to be paid through the invalidation of trekking tickets.
ZschirnsteinBiwak has the following facilities:
- Shelter
- Group seating area for up to 6 people
- Floor space for up to 5 two-person tents
- 1 compost toilet
We recommend...
- for orientation bringing with you the topographical map for the National Park region of Saxon-Bohemian Switzerland (Scale 1 : 25.000; ISBN: 978-3-89679-361-4) from the state-owned organization for geo-base information and measurement for Saxony,
- acquiring exact information and purchasing a sufficient amount of hut tickets!
Please also consider ...

TaubenteichBiwak bivouac spot
The TaubenteichBiwak bivouac spot is located along the Elbe Sandstone Forststeig in the Rosenthal forest district directly on the Taubenteich near the border. In 2016, the rest area was complemented with a shelter, which was designed and constructed by architecture students from the Technical University of Dresden with support from Saxony Forestry Services.
Since September 2016, the rest area has also been opened as a bivouac spot by Saxony Forestry Services along the Elbe Sandstone Forststeig from April until October. The vicinity of the shelter is equipped during this time for up to 5 two-person tents from 16:00 to 10:00. For its use, a maintenance contribution is to be paid through the invalidation of trekking tickets.
The TaubenteichBiwak bivouac spot has the following facilities:
- Two shelters with seating opportunities for up to 10 people
- Floor space for up to 5 two-person tents
- 1 authorized fireplace
- 1 compost toilet
We recommend...
- for orientation bringing with you the topographical map for the National Park region of Saxon-Bohemian Switzerland (Scale 1 : 25.000; ISBN: 978-3-89679-361-4) from the state-owned organization for geo-base information and measurement for Saxony,
- acquiring exact information and purchasing a sufficient amount of hut tickets!
Please also consider ...
SpitzsteinBiwak bivouac spot
The SpitzsteinBiwak rest area is located along the Elbe Sandstone Forststeig in the forest district of Bielatal between Spitzstein and Neuteich. In 2018, renovations were done to the rest area’s present shelter and it was made ready for hikers.
Since April 28th, 2016, the rest area has also been opened by Saxony Forestry Services as a bivouac spot along the Elbe Sandstone Forststeig from April until October. The vicinity of the shelter is equipped during this time for up to 5 two-person tents from 16:00 to 10:00. For its use, a maintenance contribution is to be paid through the invalidation of trekking tickets.
SpitzsteinBiwak bivouac spot has the following facilities:
- 1 shelter with seating opportunities for up to 10 people
- Floor space for up to 5 two-person tents
- 1 compost toilet
We recommend...
- for orientation bringing with you the topographical map for the National Park region of Saxon-Bohemian Switzerland (Scale 1 : 25.000; ISBN: 978-3-89679-361-4) from the state-owned organization for geo-base information and measurement for Saxony,
- acquiring exact information and purchasing a sufficient amount of hut tickets!
Please also consider ...

Biwakplatz Nikolsdorf-Biwak
Der Rastplatz Nikolsdorf-Biwak befindet sich im Gelände des Walderlebniszentrums Leupoldishain an der Trekkingroute Forststeig Elbsandstein im Bereich der Nikolsdorfer Wände. Da der Bereich ein wichtiger Etappenort auf dem Forststeig ist, haben wir die Anregung vieler Trekker umgesetzt und im Frühjahr 2019 im Gelände unseres Walderlebniszentrums Leupoldishain einen Biwakplatz für Forststeigtrekker eingerichtet.
Seit 18. April 2019 wird der Rastplatz durch Sachsenforst jeweils von April bis Oktober als Biwakplatz am Forststeig Elbsandstein geöffnet. Im Bereich vor der Biwak-Tafel ist in dieser Zeit das Zelten mit bis zu 5 Zweipersonenzelten in der Zeit von 16:00 Uhr nachmittags bis 10:00 Uhr vormittags gestattet. Für die Nutzung ist ein Pflegebeitrag durch Entwertung von Trekkingtickets zu entrichten.
Wichtige Hinweise:
Der Biwakplatz befindet sich auf dem Gelände unseres Walderlebniszentrums. Bitte nehmt Rücksicht auf Veranstaltungen! Das Walderlebniszentrum dient der Durchführung von waldpädagogischen Veranstaltungen mit Schulklassen, Familien oder anderen Gruppen. Bitte vermeidet die Störung organisierter Veranstaltungen. Beachtet, dass Veranstaltungen auch am Abend stattfinden und es dadurch zu Beunruhigungen kommen kann.
Sollte der Biwakplatz voll belegt sein, könnt ihr beim benachbarten Zeltplatz fragen, ob dort noch ein Platz frei ist.
Der Nikolsdorf-Biwak hat folgende Ausstattung:
- 1 überdachte Sitzgelegenheiten für bis zu 6 Personen
- Stellfläche für bis zu 5 Zweipersonenzelte
- 1 Komposttoilette
- Wasserentnahmestelle an der Außenseite des Hauptgebäudes
Wir empfehlen ...
- für die Orientierung im Wald gute Topografische Karten z.B. von Sachsen Kartografie GmbH Dresden mitzunehmen,
- vor der Tour genaue Informationen einzuholen (siehe Trekkingtour planen) und ausreichend Trekkingtickets zu kaufen!
Please also consider ...

Biwakplatz Quirl-Biwak
Der Rastplatz Quirl-Biwak befindet sich im Forstrevier Königstein am Kohlweg direkt an der Trekkingroute Forststeig Elbsandstein zwischen dem Tal der Biela und dem Tafelberg Quirl. In Zusammenarbeit mit Architekturstudenten der Technischen Universität Dresden soll hier bis Mitte 2021 zusätzlich auch eine moderne Schutzhütte für Wanderer entstehen.
Seit Juli 2020 wird der Rastplatz durch Sachsenforst jeweils von April bis Oktober als Biwakplatz am Forststeig Elbsandstein geöffnet. Im Bereich vor der Biwak-Tafel ist in dieser Zeit das Zelten mit bis zu 5 Zweipersonenzelten in der Zeit von 16:00 Uhr nachmittags bis 10:00 Uhr vormittags gestattet. Für die Nutzung ist ein Pflegebeitrag durch Entwertung von Trekkingtickets zu entrichten.
Der Quirl-Biwak hat folgende Ausstattung:
- überdachte Sitzgelegenheiten für bis zu 6 Personen
- Sitzgelegenheiten für bis zu 6 Personen mit Kochunterlage
- Stellfläche für bis zu 5 Zweipersonenzelte
- Komposttoilette
We recommend...
- for orientation bringing with you the topographical map for the National Park region of Saxon-Bohemian Switzerland (Scale 1 : 25.000; ISBN: 978-3-89679-361-4) from the state-owned organization for geo-base information and measurement for Saxony,
- acquiring exact information and purchasing a sufficient amount of hut tickets!
Please also consider ...

Biwakplatz Zehrborn-Biwak
Der Rastplatz Zehrborn-Biwak befindet sich im Forstrevier Ottomühle nahe des Bielgrundweges (Markierung »Gelber Strich«) direkt an der Trekkingroute Forststeig Elbsandstein unterhalb der »Grenzplatte«. Ein Bach befindet sich in unmittelbarer Nähe. In Zusammenarbeit mit Architekturstudenten der Technischen Universität Dresden soll hier bis Mitte 2021 zusätzlich auch eine moderne Schutzhütte für Wanderer entstehen.
Seit Juli 2020 wird der Rastplatz durch Sachsenforst jeweils von April bis Oktober als Biwakplatz am Forststeig Elbsandstein geöffnet. Im Bereich vor der Biwak-Tafel ist in dieser Zeit das Zelten mit bis zu 5 Zweipersonenzelten in der Zeit von 16:00 Uhr nachmittags bis 10:00 Uhr vormittags gestattet. Für die Nutzung ist ein Pflegebeitrag durch Entwertung von Trekkingtickets zu entrichten.
Der Zehrborn-Biwak hat folgende Ausstattung:
- überdachte Sitzgelegenheiten für bis zu 6 Personen
- Sitzgelegenheiten für bis zu 6 Personen mit Kochunterlage
- Stellfläche für bis zu 5 Zweipersonenzelte
- Komposttoilette
We recommend...
- for orientation bringing with you the topographical map for the National Park region of Saxon-Bohemian Switzerland (Scale 1 : 25.000; ISBN: 978-3-89679-361-4) from the state-owned organization for geo-base information and measurement for Saxony,
- acquiring exact information and purchasing a sufficient amount of hut tickets!
Please also consider ...
Staatsbetrieb Sachsenforst
Forstbezirk Neustadt
Postal address:Staatsbetrieb Sachsenforst
Forstbezirk Neustadt
Karl-Liebknecht Str. 7
01844 Neustadt i. Sa.
Phone: +49 3596 5857-10
Telefax: +49 3596 5857-99
Further information
- Trekkingtickets-Verkaufsstellen (*.pdf, 0,30 MB)
- Verhaltenshinweise für Erholung im Wald (*.pdf, 82,35 KB)
- Allgemeine Hütteninformationen (*.pdf, 0,29 MB)
- Sicherheit beim Bergwandern - Hinweise des DAV (*.pdf, 65,92 KB)
- Erste Hilfe beim Bergwandern - Hinweise des DAV (*.pdf, 0,94 MB)
- Bergwandern planen - Hinweise aus Bayern (*.pdf, 1,19 MB)